Introducing Tenshi: The Sidekick KISHU’s Ecosystem

Kishu Inu and Tenshi Community
3 min readJul 12, 2021



Below is an older article. . .

We have received many requests throughout the past few months for token burn, doing “buybacks”, acquiring new influencers, and more to increase KISHU market stability. Doing those things at scale and consistently, in a meaningful way, is especially challenging. Therefore, we wanted to get feedback on an idea that can certainly help turn things around, and fast.

A few community members have proposed the idea of creating a sidekick token (not a replacement token) that can support KISHU’s growth even in a down market as we have seen since June. The purpose of a new token would be to have unique tokenomics that tie back to KISHU. That would essentially mean a percentage of the new token’s transactions to do the following:

  • KISHU Price Stability: used to market buy KISHU, and consequently burn it or add liquidity to Uniswap for better price impact (community votes on a certain cadence [e.g. weekly] on how to use the funds)
  • KISHU Operating Costs: KISHU Awareness, Team, Development costs
Need a hand, Boss?

First of all, we need to emphasize that Kishu WILL stay! $KISHU is our main token and main focus.

How Does It Work?

The new one is to work side by side, like Kishu’s sidekick. It’s to solely BENEFIT Kishu! A tax will be added to the tokenomics to go towards BURN, AWARENESS, and CHARITIES.

Some information we can release:

  • Token name: Tenshi ($TENSHI)
  • Launch date: during this week. The exact launch date will be announced on the official Telegram, Discord, and Twitter.
  • Supply: 10,000x less supply when compared to $KISHU (1 trillion tokens).
  • Percentage of redistribution: 1% (less than $KISHU which is 2%).
  • Percentage of tax: 15% (all proceedings go towards $KISHU growth). Of that, 8% goes to buy back and burns or adding liquidity, 4.5% to awareness, and 2.5% to dev and staff costs.

For Sale? YES ✅

Airdrop? NO ❌

ERC20? YES ✅ (Ethereum Token ONLY —it won’t be on BSC or any other chain)

Is there a Pre-Sale? ❌ Absolutely NO Pre-Sale
(NO pre-sale within the team including admin/devs, NO ONE)

Is it a Kishu replacement? NO, ❌ It’s designed to work with $KISHU

Will we create a new TG group? NO, ❌ Use the same official group

Is there a BUY-BACK? YES ✅ Shortly after the LAUNCH DATE OF THE NEW TOKEN, and more afterwards.

What is a Buy-back? Buy-back is when people use some of the tax to buy back Kishu and then burn it.

Can You Track it? YES ✅

What is tracked? The amounts taken to use for burn, awareness, charity, etc., will be trackable through the transaction addresses.

Which exchange can I use to transact? Kishu Swap or Uniswap.

Let’s chill together!

We will announce the launch in the Official Kishu Group telegram the moment it’s live. Announcements will be made on Discord and Twitter also.

Disclaimer: Please note that all initiatives within the Kishu Ecosystem are spearheaded by dedicated community volunteers. As such, the functionality, features, and timelines of these projects are fluid and may undergo changes. Participation in these initiatives should not be construed as financial advice. We encourage our community members to conduct their own research and consider their financial situations carefully before engaging with any project.

